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The Gourmet-O-Matic tm pH of Various Foods Guide

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The Gourmet-O-Matic tm pH of Various Foods Guide

Most foods are naturally acidic. This means that their pH is less than 7.0.

The lower the pH, the more acidic the food.

If you look below, canned asparagus has a pH of 5.2 - 5.3, while canned artichokes have a pH of 5.7 - 6. Canned asparagus is more acidic than canned artichokes.

In terms of flavor, more acidity means more sourness.

The following is from the USFDA CFSAN - Bad Bug Book.

A more complete listing of the Approximate ph Values of Foods and Food Products can be found here.

VEGETABLES                     pH

Artichokes            5.6
  Canned              5.7 - 6
Asparagus             4 -6
  Canned              5.2 - 5.3
  Buds                6.7
  Stalks              6.1
Beans                 5.7 - 6.2
  String              4.6
  Lima                6.5
  Kidney              5.4 - 6
Beets                 4.9 - 5.6
  S                    4.2 - 4.4
  Canned               4.9
Brussel sprouts        6.0 - 6.3
Cabbage                5.2 - 6.0
  Green                5.4 - 6.9
  White                6.2
  Red                  5.4 - 6.0
  Savoy                6.3
Carrots                4.9 - 5.2
  Canned               5.18-5.22
  Juice                6.4
Cauliflower            5.6
Celery                 5.7 - 6.0
Chives                 5.2 - 6.1
Corn                   6.0 - 7.5
  Canned               6
  Sweet                7.3
Cucumbers              5.1 - 5.7
  Dill pickles         3.2 - 3.5
Eggplant               4.5 - 5.3
Hominy (cooked)        6
Horseradish            5.35
Kale (cooked)          6.4 - 6.8
Kohlrabi (cooked)      5.7 - 5.8
Leeks                  5.5 - 6.0
Lettuce                5.8 - 6.0
Lentils (cooked)       6.3 - 6.8
Mushrooms (cooked)     6.2
Okra (cooked)          5.5 - 6.4
  (green)              3.6 - 3.8
  (ripe)               6.0 - 6.5
  (red)                5.3 - 5.8
  (white)              5.4 - 5.8
  (yellow)             5.4 - 5.6
Parsley                5.7 - 6.0
Parsnip                5.3
Peas                   5.8 - 7.0
  Frozen               6.4 - 6.7
  Canned               5.7 - 6.0
  Dried                6.5 - 6.8
Pepper                 5.15
Pimiento               4.6 - 4.9
Potatoes               6.1
  Tubers               5.7
  Sweet                5.3 - 5.6
Pumpkin                4.8 - 5.2
  (red)                5.8 - 6.5
  (white)              5.5 - 5.7
Rhubarb                3.1 - 3.4
  Canned               3.4
Rice (all cooked)                    
  Brown                6.2 - 6.7
  White                6.0 - 6.7
  Wild                 6.0 - 6.4
Sauerkraut             3.4 - 3.6
Sorrel                 3.7
Spinach                5.5 - 6.8
  Cooked               6.6 - 7.2
  Frozen               6.3 - 6.5
Squash (all cooked)                    
  Yellow               5.8 - 6.0
  White                5.5 - 5.7
  Hubbard              6.0 - 6.2
Tomatoes (whole)       4.2 - 4.9
  Paste                3.5 - 4.7
  Canned               3.5 - 4.7
  Juice                4.1 - 4.2
Turnips                5.2 - 5.5
Zucchini (cooked)      5.8 - 6.1

Fruits                                    pH


  Delicious            3.9
  Golden Delicious     3.6
  Jonathan             3.33
  McIntosh             3.34
  Winesap              3.47
  Juice                3.4 - 4.0
  Sauce                3.3 - 3.6
Apricots               3.3 - 4.0
  Dried                3.6 - 4.0
  Canned               3.74
Bananas                4.5 - 5.2
Cantaloupe             6.17-7.13
Dates                  6.3 - 6.6
Figs                   4.6
Grapefruit             3.0 - 3.3
  Canned               3.1 - 3.3
  Juice                3
Lemons                 2.2 - 2.4
  Canned juice         2.3
Limes                  1.8 - 2.0
Mangos                 3.9 - 4.6
  Casaba               5.5 - 6.0
  Honey dew            6.3 - 6.7
  Persian              6.0 - 6.3
Nectarines             3.9
Oranges                3.1 - 4.1
  Juice                3.6 - 4.3
  Marmalade            3
Papaya                 5.2 - 5.7
Peaches                3.4 - 3.6
  In jars              4.2
  In cans              4.9
Persimmons             5.4 - 5.8
Pineapple              3.3 - 5.2
  Canned               3.5
  Juice                3.5
Plums                  2.8 - 4.6
Pomegranates           3
Prunes                 3.1 - 5.4
  Juice                3.7
Quince (stewed)        3.1 - 3.3
Tangerines             4
Watermelon             5.2 - 5.8

BERRIES                               pH

Blackberries           3.2 - 4.5
Blueberries            3.7
  Frozen               3.1 - 3.35
Cherries               3.2 - 4.1
  Sauce                2.4
  Juice                2.3 - 2.5
Currants (red)         2.9
Gooseberries           2.8 - 3.1
Grapes                 3.4 - 4.5
Raspberries            3.2 - 3.7
Strawberries           3.0 - 3.5
  Frozen               2.3 - 3.0



Bread                  5.3 - 5.8
Eclairs                4.4 - 4.5
Napoleons              4.4 - 4.5
Biscuits               7.1 - 7.3
Crackers               7.0 - 8.5
  Angel food           5.2 - 5.6
  Chocolate            7.2 - 7.6
  Devil's food         7.5 - 8.0
  Pound                6.6 - 7.1
  Sponge               7.3 - 7.6
  White layer          7.1 - 7.4
  Yellow layer         6.7 - 7.1
Flour                  6.0 - 6.3


MISCELLANEOUS                pH 

Caviar (domestic)      5.4
Cider                  2.9 - 3.3
Cocoa                  6.3
Corn syrup             5
Corn starch            4.0 - 7.0
Ginger ale             2.0 - 4.0
Honey                  3.9
Jams/Jellies           3.1 - 3.5
Mayonnaise             4.2 - 4.5
Molasses               5.0 - 5.5
Raisins                3.8 - 4.0
Sugar                  5.0 - 6.0
Vinegar                2.0 - 3.4
Yeast                  3.0 - 3.5

MEAT, POULTRY                  pH

  Ground               5.1 - 6.2
  Ripened              5.8
  Unripened            7
  Canned               6.6
  Tongue               5.9
Ham                    5.9 - 6.1
Lamb                   5.4 - 6.7
Pork                   5.3 - 6.9
Veal                   6
Chicken                6.5 - 6.7
Turkey (roasted)       5.7 - 6.8

FISH                                      pH 

Fish (most fresh)      6.6 - 6.8
Clams                  6.5
Crabs                  7
Oysters                4.8 - 6.3
Tuna fish              5.2 - 6.1
Shrimp                 6.8 - 7.0
Salmon                 6.1 - 6.3
Whitefish              5.5
Freshwater (most)      6.9 - 7.3
Sturgeon               5.5 - 6.0
Herring                6.1 - 6.4


Butter                 6.1 - 6.4
Buttermilk             4.5
Milk                   6.3 - 8.5
Acidophilus            4
Cream                  6.5
  Camembert            7.4
  Cheddar              5.9
  Cottage              5
  Cream cheese         4.88
  Edam                 5.4
  Roquefort            5.5 - 5.9
  Swiss Gruyere        5.1 - 6.6
  White                7.0 - 9.0
  Yolk                 6.4
  Egg solids, whites   6.5 - 7.5
  Whole                7.1 - 7.9
  Frozen               8.5 - 9.5


The strategies used by The Gourmet-O-Matic tm can be found in Dr. Applebaum's meal strategy guide, The FitnessMed tm Guide To Healthy Eating. That book contains recipes for over 1 trillion (yes, with a "T") meal combinations.

All of Dr. Applebaum's books can be found here.