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The Gourmet-O-Matic tm pH of Common Beverages Guide

Acidic fluids are a staple in meal preparation.

Acidic fluids have a pH less than 7.0.

The lower the pH, the more acidic the beverage.

In terms of flavor, more acidity means more sourness. The actual sensation of the beverage's acidity may be modified by the sugar content.

Acidic fluids are found in relishes, chutneys, salsas, marinades, dressings, sauces - you name it.

The following lists provide the pHs of many common beverages.

You can use this information to create new recipes by replacing one acidic fluid with another.

Please note the following in the Common Beverages Substitutions Chart:

1. Only the pH is provided. Calorie, sugar content and other information is not provided..
2. Beer and wine are represented, but there are differences among the various brews and wines. In general, red wine is less acidic than white wine.
3. Spirits and liquors are not listed. Almost invariably, they are acidic. Acidity will vary, meaning the pH will vary among the different spirits and liquors and will also vary depending on the flavoring (as one sees, for example, in vodkas).
4. Bottom line is consider alcoholic beverages as another acidic fluid you can use to create many unique dishes.
5. Acidic beverages are first listed in ascending order of pH, going from more acidic to less acidic.
6. An alphabetical listing of fruits follows the examples of substitutions. The examples appear after the first listing.

As with all Gourmet-O-Matic tm Substitution Guides, the following list is non-exhaustive. It comprises foods that are readily available.

Examples using acidic fluids substitutes follow the chart.

The following lists are modified from here, here, here, here and here.

Beverage pH
Lime Juice   2.00-2.35
Lemon Juice  2.00-2.60
Cranberry Juice, canned  2.30-2.52
Vinegar  2.40-3.40
Sunny Delight  2.40
Gatorade Clear  2.40
Pepsi  2.49
Country Time Lemonade  2.50
SoBe Sugarfree Tropical  2.50
RC Cola  2.50
Cherry Coke  2.52
Coke Classic  2.53
SoBe Strawberry-Grape  2.60
Capri Sun  2.60
Orange Crush  2.70
Hi-C Blast Fruit Punch  2.70
Tang  2.70
HiC Lemonade  2.70
Extran  2.74
Powerade  2.75
Orange Minute Maid  2.80
Mellow Yellow  2.80
Diet Cherry Coke  2.80
Welch's White Grape  2.80
Mr. Pibb  2.80
Hawaiian Fruit Punch  2.82
Squirt  2.85
Lipton Brisk  2.87
Upside Down 7-Up  2.90
Grapefruit Juice, canned  2.90-3.25
Cranberry Juice, white  2.90
Dr Pepper  2.92
Gatorade  2.95
Nestea Sweetened Lemon Iced Tea  2.97
Diet Rite (white grape)  3.00
Grapefruit juice  3.00
Kool-Aid Jammers (cherry)  3.00
Sierra Mist  3.00
White Wine 3.00
Surge  3.02
Nestea  3.04
Pepsi One  3.05
Diet Code Red Mountain Dew  3.10
Pepsi Blue  3.10
V8 Splash Berry Blend  3.10
Vinegar, cider  3.10
Orange Slice  3.12
Dole (orange strawberry banana)  3.20
Propel  3.20
Snapple Tea  3.20
Snapple Tea Diet  3.20
Twist Up  3.20
Fresca  3.20
Mountain Dew  3.22
Grape Minute Maid  3.29
Table Wines 3.30-3.70
Pineapple Juice, canned  3.30-3.60
Orange Juice, Florida  3.30-4.15
Orange Juice, California  3.30-4.19
Diet Mountain Dew  3.34 
Sherry-wine  3.37
Diet Coke  3.39
Red Wine 3.40-3.50
Dole (pineapple juice)  3.40
Apple Juice  3.40
Diet Dr Pepper  3.41
Sprite  3.42
Plum Nectar  3.45
Ultima  3.50
Juicy Juice  3.50
Tea (iced)  3.50
Tropicana Sprite Remix  3.50
Sherry-wine  3.37
Diet 7UP  3.67
Cytomax  3.79
Accelerade  3.86
Enervit G  3.88
Powerbar Endurance  3.89
Vegetable Juice  3.90-4.30
Prune Juice  3.95-3.97
Beer 4.00
Dad's Root Beer  4.00
Pear Nectar  4.03
Milk, Acidophilus  4.09-4.25
Tomatoes, Juice  4.10-4.60
A&W Crème Soda  4.20
GU20  4.29
A&W Root Beer  4.30
Buttermilk  4.41-4.83
e load  4.50
Diet Barq's  4.55
Barq's  4.61
Emend  4.95
Milk, sour, fine curd  4.70-5.65
Milkfish  5.30
Guava Nectar  5.50
Brewed Coffee  5.51
Instant Coffee  5.51
Milk, evaporated  5.90-6.30
Aloe Juice  6.00-6.80
Milk, condensed  6.33
Milk, Cow  6.40-6.80
Milk, Goat's  6.48
Chrysanthemum Drink  6.50
Coconut Milk  6.10-7.00
Milk, 2%  6.80
Milk, skim  6.83
Water  7.00
Soybean Milk  7.00
Milk, peptonized  7.10
Wax Gourd Drink  7.20
Tea (brewed)  7.20
Tea  7.20

Example - Use a soda in place of juice when making a chutney or relish.

Example - Replace vinegar in a marinade with beer.

Beverage pH
A&W Crème Soda  4.20
A&W Root Beer  4.30
Accelerade  3.86
Aloe Juice  6.00-6.80
Apple Juice  3.40
Barq's  4.61
Beer 4.00
Brewed Coffee  5.51
Buttermilk  4.41-4.83
Capri Sun  2.60
Cherry Coke  2.52
Chrysanthemum Drink  6.50
Coconut Milk  6.10-7.00
Coke Classic  2.53
Country Time Lemonade  2.50
Cranberry Juice, canned  2.30-2.52
Cranberry Juice, white  2.90
Cytomax  3.79
Dad's Root Beer  4.00
Diet 7UP  3.67
Diet Barq's  4.55
Diet Cherry Coke  2.80
Diet Code Red Mountain Dew  3.10
Diet Coke  3.39
Diet Dr Pepper  3.41
Diet Mountain Dew  3.34 
Diet Rite (white grape)  3.00
Dole (orange strawberry banana)  3.20
Dole (pineapple juice)  3.40
Dr Pepper  2.92
e load  4.50
Emend  4.95
Enervit G  3.88
Extran  2.74
Fresca  3.20
Gatorade  2.95
Gatorade Clear  2.40
Grape Minute Maid  3.29
Grapefruit juice  3.00
Grapefruit Juice, canned  2.90-3.25
GU20  4.29
Guava Nectar  5.50
Hawaiian Fruit Punch  2.82
Hi-C Blast Fruit Punch  2.70
HiC Lemonade  2.70
Instant Coffee  5.51
Juicy Juice  3.50
Kool-Aid Jammers (cherry)  3.00
Lemon Juice  2.00-2.60
Lime Juice   2.00-2.35
Lipton Brisk  2.87
Mellow Yellow  2.80
Milk, 2%  6.80
Milk, Acidophilus  4.09-4.25
Milk, condensed  6.33
Milk, Cow  6.40-6.80
Milk, evaporated  5.90-6.30
Milk, Goat's  6.48
Milk, peptonized  7.10
Milk, skim  6.83
Milk, sour, fine curd  4.70-5.65
Milkfish  5.30
Mountain Dew  3.22
Mr. Pibb  2.80
Nestea  3.04
Nestea Sweetened Lemon Iced Tea  2.97
Orange Crush  2.70
Orange Juice, California  3.30-4.19
Orange Juice, Florida  3.30-4.15
Orange Minute Maid  2.80
Orange Slice  3.12
Pear Nectar  4.03
Pepsi  2.49
Pepsi Blue  3.10
Pepsi One  3.05
Pineapple Juice, canned  3.30-3.60
Plum Nectar  3.45
Powerade  2.75
Powerbar Endurance  3.89
Propel  3.20
Prune Juice  3.95-3.97
RC Cola  2.50
Red Wine 3.40-3.50
Sherry-wine  3.37
Sherry-wine  3.37
Sierra Mist  3.00
Snapple Tea  3.20
Snapple Tea Diet  3.20
SoBe Strawberry-Grape  2.60
SoBe Sugarfree Tropical  2.50
Soybean Milk  7.00
Sprite  3.42
Squirt  2.85
Sunny Delight  2.40
Surge  3.02
Table Wines 3.30-3.70
Tang  2.70
Tea  7.20
Tea (brewed)  7.20
Tea (iced)  3.50
Tomatoes, Juice  4.10-4.60
Tropicana Sprite Remix  3.50
Twist Up  3.20
Ultima  3.50
Upside Down 7-Up  2.90
V8 Splash Berry Blend  3.10
Vegetable Juice  3.90-4.30
Vinegar  2.40-3.40
Vinegar, cider  3.10
Water  7.00
Wax Gourd Drink  7.20
Welch's White Grape  2.80
White Wine 3.00

The strategies used by The Gourmet-O-Matic tm can be found in Dr. Applebaum's meal strategy guide, The FitnessMed tm Guide To Healthy Eating. That book contains recipes for over 1 trillion (yes, with a "T") meal combinations.

All of Dr. Applebaum's books can be found here.